Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Final MPI104-2007 Post

Well again it is that dreaded assessment time when sleepless nights are spent on work you will never care about again. Well in the case of this class I don't think that is the case I may even be a little sad (not as bad as that kid). What I have learnt and experienced about having 'an online presence' has been not just educational and interesting but a look into how technology can become a vital part of work and the social scene. Blogger lets me express myself to the world and and flickr let me share links and images with the world and those I have come into contact with both in the real world and virtual one.

Well how has my work on Blogger, flickr and met the interestingness and aesthetics criteria, the balance between form, content and function. Well firstly it would be fair to say that the form of my blog has been changed from what it was. I got into the template and made the site background a tiled industrial/technological metal while changed the background where there was text to a more neutral dark grey to allow legible text. I also changed the header along a similar theme. I added boarders to the text sections to help 'pop' them out from the background. I have slightly adjusted the font colour and sizes to match this new look. My post on Web Aesthetics and the links on it helped me work out what my site needed. Images and links I found are very important as well. A site needs these to help the viewer find more info or understand a point. All my images I think help to get my posts message across like this one and this one. I have also adjusted my sidebar to an order which I think provides the most useful information and links first then moving down to the less important stuff. I have also tried to space my text out increasing legibility.

So I think I have experimented with the form, content and functionality of my blog and heave learn much from it.

Flickr is an interesting thing to me because although I work in television I have never really been one to care much about photos. However because of flickr's design and function I have found it interesting. I can belong to groups with images I am interested in like this one and this one. Flickr has very limited layout options but I have selected a layout I like. It would be nice to have access to the premium layouts that cost money as well. I have found tagging very help full and sets also great like this one with proddies. Being able to aggregate favourites and sending others images is a very cool function that I should take more advantage of. I have used flicker to store images for my blog as well like the background.

Being able to clip images from sites on the web was great in order to evaluate them and I can see the use of flickr in a professional environment for similar purposes. is an interesting service that I am still only beginning to get a handle on. My initial impressions were that it just duplicated the bookmarks of a browser but as the semester has progressed I have seen ifs full power and use. I have since been forwarding links that others may find helpful or interesting, using bundles to organise links and subscriptions to tags.


In Closing...
Commenting has also been a fun thing to do on blogger and flickr, it is something which I really have to get into more. Although this subject is almost finished I think I will try keep at it with my web presence. Not that I think anybody cares or reads but because it is a way I can express myself.

So from me in the chopper, have a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celular, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.